
Blue/Green deployment of an ecommerce application to ECS using Terraform & Circleci

In order to follow along with this tutorial it is assumed that you have the following installed for your operating system.

What is web minimalism?

Web Minimalism is a design principal which focuses on the simplification of web user interfaces. Its an approach to website UI design that places emphasis on clarity, purpose, functionality and intentionality over adding features that provide little benefit. Everything else is redundant; popups, trackers, banners or anything else that could increase cognitive overhead for end users.

In addition to visual bloat, modern websites are growing in size due to extra javascript logic and image files. Website designers have become more reliant on end users with high bandwidth internet connection which is more common but not given, and the use of Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to improve performance. This is becoming easier now with numerious cloud CDN services and providers. However, page size should not be neglected at the expense of functionality which provide little to no value.

Given that a large proportion of the web is serving static content e.g. browsing products, recipes, news articles and so on, a large proportion of the modern web could be radically simplified. This is best shown visually, so I've included some examples below to explain what I mean along with some principals of UX that I think are very important.